Pillar numbers painted by hand.

Pillar numbers painted by a sign writer give a far more crisp, sharp, professional finish, so should be the specialist to be called upon to produce this form of works.

Its appreciated that its an affluent home & area. Therefore should have a professional & high end finish. It can be cost efficient to have some form of painter/decorator produce them, but they tend to end up a quite sub standard finish. As the number on a property pillar is predominant, its vital its produced to the highest standard. Particularly as the premises is not just such a high end/affluent property but also as it would be regularly photographed these days by social media influencers & the like.






















Producing property numbers painted by hand is not just a quick marking out & then painting. There is more involved than that. Firstly there is research produced to ensure the property has the correct typeface produced, as there are only a handful of typefaces which the councils insist on due to maintaining a specific look within the conservation areas of Central & West London.

This property was a differing typeface compared to others within Kensington, but specific within the street/square it is within. Several sized numbers are drawn on paper, taken to site & used to ensure the best suited sizing of number is used to again match the surrounding property pillars. The more uniformed the street can be the better the appeal overall.

















Pillar numbers painted require a specialist brush and not just any form of paint. This too results to a more professional finish if sign writing paints are used. The brush used is a sign writer quill and not just a standard 1/4″ brush from a trade merchants.

This is how some properties end up with such sub standard looking numbers on their pillars. It’s actually a specialist job despite seemingly such a simple job.






















This project was to produce numbers on both pillars of the portico. Also to have the numbers outwardly aligned, so not painted on the front facing section of the pillar. This can vary from street to street in London, but is to be kept uniformed, so if all the surrounding properties have outward aligned numbers it’s imperative that it remains uniformed.
























Hand Painted Traditional & Contemporary Sign writing in London

Sign writer: Traditional Signs of London
