Painted house names by a signwriter are generally the street address & number of the building painted onto its walls or entrance doors. It can also be the house name either historically or if given a new name. This can be hand painted either on the walls, portico entrance or on the fanlight window.

There are many examples of house names produced badly by someone claiming to be professional or someone offering to produce it too cheaply.



The key to nice smart painted house names really is to get a professional to produce it. Or you end up with wonky, uneven writing. Maybe ok from a distance or even then sometimes not great even from a distance! This is often the result of a non skilled signwriter claiming to be professional, straight out of a few days training or worse, when a painter & decorator claims it can be done but with the wrong brushes.

This client had just completed a renovation on 2 adjoining properties. The spec was a high end look with a very nice entrance as well as throughout the property. Therefore the finishing touch is to have some nice house names to be written rather than street numbers. The signwriting to be added to the tops of the front doors as it was agreed they would present better there than on the surrounding masonry.



The first stage to do the work professionally is to not just draw the wording on site. It can be done this way but only if the signwriter has trained in letter spacing & letter form. Without, there will be no consitancy through the letters thickness.

The designs I produce are written out on paper before being on site. They are written in different sizes & then the best size is chosen in agrement with the client on site, if the client prefers this. If the client trusts the signwriter, then its down to the knowledge the signwriter has & uses.



The wording of the ideal size is then positioned by measurement into place & reliefed onto the door with chalk. Its guided by centre lines drawn both on the door with a mark out pencil & with the lines being marked on the layout drawing.



The top & base lineĀ  are taped to make crisp, sharp serifs to the letters. Then the paint is applied. To create crisp consistant lettering, a specialist signwriter brush is used & made sure its the correct size for the size of lettering being produced. Then its about making slow neat strokes to build up each letter.



The painting house names just adds that finess to a nicely renovated property. The off white writing just suited the grey goor at this property. With the first name completed it was only a short step to next door to produce the 2nd house name.




Consistancy is key. The client was very pleased with the results, which was a pair of matching high end appeal entrances to a pair of houses he had put a lot of time, money & effort into. The final touches matter & also assist in making it appealing & pleasant.



HavingĀ  painted house names is so London.

It just fits in with the historic surroundings & looks so classic, ornate & high end.

Traditional & Contemporary Hand Painted Sign Writing in London

Sign Writer Traditional Signs of London
