Gold property numbers produced on glass.

To ensure a quality high end look & production of painted numbers to a property a sign writer should be the specialist to be called upon to produce apartment property numbers in paint or with gold leaf.

Its appreciated that its a home & should have a professional & high end finish. Internally & externally. It can be cost efficient to have some form of stickers, but the genuine article looks far superior on a period home.















Producing gold property numbers on glass is generally produced internally. This way the paint & gold leaf isn’t affected by the weather & is more durable.

A fair bit of preparation goes into producing numbers on glass. Even before being at a residence, the artwork is designed & produced on paper in studio. That is taken to site & measured into place by marking out the centre points on the glass. The artwork is traced off onto the glass, once the glass has been cleaned with specialist materials.

The fine outlines & cast shadow are then skillfully painted using specialist fast drying black paint. This has to be allowed to harden before the gold can be applied.
















In order to apply the gold to the painted numbers, a specialist glue is used by brushing on with a specialist brush.

This has to have near on set before the gold can be applied. The leaves of gold are delicately placed over the numbers, allowed to stick & dry. Only then is the excess gold wiped off leaving the gold only covering where the specialist glue was applied.





















Skill & care is taken to create the best finish to the gold property numbers as possible. Its all about the finished product, rather than the process, but the skill level in producing the sign writing using genuine gold metal leaf has to be considered. The outlining is re-produced using a black enamel paint if required. Doing this method allows for the gold property numbers to look the same internally as externally. When creating gold property numbers with a mirror/reflective finish, the gold has to be covered on the inside with black paint to make opaque, which creates the mirror effect showing on the external side of the glass.













To complete the works, the numbers are given a coating of clear varnish which protects the paint & gold leaf from any window cleaning chemicals but also from condensation & other elements that could otherwise affect it. The varnish isn’t noticable until up close & works like a blister once hardened.

















Hand Painted Traditional & Contemporary Sign writing in London

Sign writer: Traditional Signs of London