Business signs produced for a long existing carpet company which requested a fresh but authentic looking look for their corner situated premises.
The layout was produced on paper first, then transfered onto the shop front on site using a pounce method.

The off white was added first, which took up the first day, along with all the layout transfering, as the fascias were so big & there being 3 lots of sign writing.

The following day the drop shadow was added as well as a 2nd coat given to the off white/ivory signwriting. The chalk was cleaned off once the paint had dried.

The fasade facing the main road completed, showing their impressive vintage clock & period featured windows. Hopefully the sign writing complimented it well.

The side street sign writing was also given a 2nd coat of the ivory/off white, as well as the drop shadow burgundy. This fascia was very long & had plenty of space for more wording.

They requested that they have a fanlight/transom window with matching style & colours street numeral. The entrance was a lovely feature to the building as it was, so this helped draw the attention.
The numbers were drawn out on paper, & used as a guide for painting on the inside of the glass. This is done for protection from the dirt & weather.

The numbers stood out really well against the surrounding black features of the entrance & the nice curved glass.

They last minute decided & requested that they have a Est.1968 wording signwritten above the street numeral but on the fascia.
As a result I sketched it out & would’ve like more time to do a better design to be honest, as I was far from happy with the scroll. The clients were more than happy with it though.
It did help complete the look, I was just disappointed with my design.

Producing business signs with Traditional & Contemporary Hand Painted Sign writing in London
Signwriter – Traditional Signs of London